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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Ensure the Accuracy of Your Spring Grades!

Ensure the Accuracy of Your Grades!

Unlike insuring your car or your home, safeguarding your grades doesn't cost you a cent! Yes, there IS some paperwork involved but R&R does most of it so you don't have anything to worry about.

Grade confirmation reports will be in department mailboxes by Friday, June 11. If you graded online, please review the grades for accuracy and then sign and date the grade sheets and return them to R&R. These will be imaged for posterity with the grade rosters.

If you used a bubble sheet you do not need to return the grade lists. Please review them carefully and then you may keep or destroy them, whichever you prefer. Just keep the destroying process low key so as not to arouse the ire of Public Safety.

This semester we ran into more scanning problems than usual. We went through the scanned rosters as carefully as we could but there may have been errors we missed. In addition to the scanning errors, there are always bubble errors that occur. Plus and minus grades are skipped, the incorrect grade is bubbled in, one student has two grades bubbled in and the next one has none, etc. We've already heard from many of the students who missed their plusses or got someone else's F. To make sure all the grades are as you intended then to be, it is important that you take a few minutes to audit what is in the system for your spring students.

What do you do if you see an error? It depends on whose fault you think it is!

If you think YOU made an error, you will need to fill out a grade change form, have it signed by your chair, and send it to R&R. We will make the change and send the student an updated grade report.

If you think the error was caused by erratic scanning, send an email to Linda Ziegler, <>. Linda will check the original roster to determine that you graded the student correctly. If you did and it was scanned incorrectly, she will correct it. No paper work required. If she discovers that it was not a scanning error, she will let you know so you can submit a grade change form.

Confirming our grades is a very important final step in the grading process (ordeal). Tempting as it is, please don't rush to the 'destroy' phase before you check the grades for accuracy.

Deborah Benjamin
Registration and Records