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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

MCC to Participate in Cornell Study

Dear Colleagues:

We invite you to participate in a very important activity that we hope will result in making Monroe Community College a better place to work.

In order to understand the MCC work environment, we are surveying all our employees regarding how you perceive your work environment. The survey results will give us a snapshot of how you feel today and give us insight on how to program for tomorrow.

We are fortunate that Cornell University, a highly respected research institution, has agreed to partner with us in this endeavor. A Cornell University School Industrial and Labor Relations team, led by Susan Woods, Robert Rich and Jane Maestro-Scherer, is administering this secure Web survey.

Your participation in the survey is, of course, voluntary. Any answers you provide will be strictly confidential and your anonymity as a respondent is guaranteed. You can complete each question honestly and completely without the fear that someone in your unit, your supervisor, or anyone else will know your answers.

In the next few days, you will receive an e-mail from the Cornell team providing you with the information you need to complete the survey. The web survey is designed to instantaneously retrieve all your responses while destroying any individual information, including your name and e-mail address. Follow-up reminders will be issued to make sure that we have a high response rate.

For those of you without e-mail, we will arrange alternate options for either a pen and pencil* or a telephone survey.

Answering the survey will take about 15 minutes. You are free to refrain from answering specific questions, however, we encourage you to complete all the survey questions, as your complete responses will optimize the study’s accuracy.

It is critically important that you participate. You have an opportunity to be heard and to help MCC chart a successful course for the future. The Diversity Council, the leadership of the Faculty Senate, CSEA and Faculty Association all support this endeavor and join us in encouraging you to participate.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any concerns or comments, please contact Jane Maestro-Scherer at (607) 539-6372 or at


R. Thomas Flynn, MCC President
Alberta Lee, Chair, Diversity Council

*For those who prefer to complete the survey on hard copy, surveys will be available:

At the Brighton Campus
in the Faculty Mailroom
in the Human Resources Office
at the Information Desk, Building 1, 2nd floor
in Building 21

At Damon City Campus at the 5th floor security desk.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Alberta Lee, ext. 2117, <>. If you need assistance in completing the survey, please contact Julie Rao, ext. 3034, <>.

Alberta Lee
Chair, Diversity Council