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SUNY Shared Governance Award -  Call for Nominations

The SUNY Shared Governance Award is a SUNY wide honor conferred on a campus for outstanding achievements in shared governance. This award underscores SUNY’s commitment to academic excellence and public good through collaborative models of governance.

Shared Governance is defined as administration/faculty/staff/student cooperation that is mutually recognized as effective engagement of the local governance structures and elected representatives on important campus issues and policies that impact the local campus and the State University of New York. This cooperation should include shared and timely decision making, shared accountability, collaborative dialogue, and open communication.

Evidence of shared governance may be indicated by a single activity that has had enduring impact or by a sustained record of cooperation among campus entities.

Rewards of Selection
One campus each year may be selected for this award.  Campuses selected for this award will serve as exemplars of the best practices in shared governance.  A letter, certificate and a SUNY Shared Governance Award plaque will be bestowed to commemorate selection.

CAMPUS Participation
All State University of New York campuses may self-nominate for this award, including but not limited to doctoral degree granting institutions, university colleges, technology colleges, and community colleges.

Number of Nominations
Each campus may nominate itself annually. The only exception is that campuses which have received the award may not apply in the following five years.  Absence of submission in any cycle will not be detrimental to campus nominations made in subsequent cycles.

Selection Criteria
To be considered, a campus must have significantly advanced a culture, principles and practices of shared governance. Such advancement will be evidenced and demonstrated by successful and sustained governance-related campus activity of lasting value that includes significant shared leadership and decision-making involving faculty/staff and student governance, and campus administration. Evidence in support of the nomination may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

a. Inclusive decision making process as an integral component of shared governance.
b. Respect for representative procedures and responsibilities within each constituency.
c. Open and effective communication among all campus constituencies

Nominations will be due to Sandy Warren in Room 6-301 by 4:00 pm on Friday, September 30.   

Please submit an original nomination – without staples or hole punches – and 9 copies.

Sandy Warren
Human Resources