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Faculty Senate Minutes - 6/10/04


June 10, 2004
PRESENT: G. Anderson, T. Archie, W. Brewer, S. Cable, S. Callan, L. Chrzan-Williams (Vice-President), D. Cox (President),  K. Doyle, J. Ekis, C. Gilbert, E. Grissing, A. Hughes, T. Keys, E. Laidlaw, D. Leach, A. Leopard,
M. Marino, M. Mendez-Rizzo, J. McCauley, M. McKinzie, S. Murphy, S. Ruckert, P. Sarantis, L. Silvers, E. Stewart,
M. Timmons, T. Tugel (Secretary), H. Wheeler, W. Willard, H. Wynn-Preische.

ABSENT: , I. Benz, P. Bishop, M. Bower, D. Brown, F. Burger, T. Digiacomo, K. Farrell, M. Filozof, M. Harris,
K. Humphrey, J. Kaufman, R. Kuempel,, M. Pastorella, P. Peterson, J. Smith, G. Toth.


GUESTS:  A. Andreu, E. Baker, C. Boettricch, M. Brandt, D. Cheasty, T. Ciambor, B. Connell, P. Collinge, R. Connett, S. Dougherty, S. El Rayess, D. Goede, R. Hamell, S. Ison, N. Karolinski, P. Keyes, R. Mack, G. Marino, J. McKenna, N. Murage, J. Nelson, K. O’Shea, C. Reaves, B. Robinson, T. Shamblin, D. Shaw, A. Stainton, A. Striegel, J. Thompson, L. Tien, To. Vinci, P. Wakem, H. Williams.

Meeting called to order:        3:05 pm

Announcements (D. Cox)
Thanks were extended to Richard Degus for providing refreshments.

Senators whose terms will expire this summer were recognized: Marsha Bower, Patricia Sarantis, Bill Brewer, Judy Kaufman, Rick Kuempel, Gloria Anderson, Mark Harris, Mark McKinzie, Michael Filozof, Kathleen Farrell, Beth Laidlaw, Louis Silvers, Tracy Archie, Doug Brown and Terry Keys. Returning and newly elected senators were introduced.  These include Paulette Peterson, Ginger Toth, Holly Wynn-Preische, Shelley Fess, Paul Wakem, Rich Hamell, Christian Boettrich, Bonnie Connell, Pamela Keyes, Njeru Murage, David Shaw, Jay Nelson, Suzanne El Rayess, Barbara Asam, Donna Mueller, Jeffrey Thompson, Susan Forsyth, James McKenna and Naomi Karolinski.  All senators were acknowledged for their importance to the College as well as to their colleagues.  A training session for new senators will be provided at the end of summer or early in the fall semester.  New and returning senators were reminded to submit their requests for committee assignments. 

J. Glocker and S. Salvador have selected the members of the College’s Civility Committee, which includes two senators.  The Executive Committee will select members for the Senate’s ad hoc Promotion Committee and notify individuals by the end of June.

2.      Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the May 20, 2004 Faculty Senate meeting were approved after amending the
meeting’s date to May 20, 2004.

3.      Action Items
The following curriculum proposals were presented to the Senate and approved unanimously:              
PR16S   Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies Landscape Architecture Advisement                                             Sequence (LA16) - AS
PR17S   Liberal Arts and Sciences-- Environmental Science Advisement Sequence (LA20) - AS
PR19S   Liberal Arts and Sciences –Pre-Pharmacy Advisement Sequence (LA 24) - AS
PR20S   Biotechnology

4.      Standing Committee Reports
Chairs were asked to outline the responsibilities of their committee and provide a summary of the committee’s work for the past year.

Academic Policies (E. Laidlaw) 
This committee is asked to review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding all policies pertaining to academic standards and educational policies (advising, admission, registration, scheduling, grading, probation, suspension, student withdrawals, student academic grievance procedures, academic calendar, student evaluation of faculty questionnaire, etc.).

This past year, Academic Policies made recommendations regarding the academic calendar, responded to the most recent policy regarding grade inclusion/exclusion, reviewed the College’s policy on plagiarism, issues involved with placement and testing, guidelines for grading and the policy for double certificates.  The committee also submitted recommended Course Information Sheet revisions to Executive Committee.  The revisions correlate required elements with those suggested by the Vice President of Academic Services and were approved by the Executive Committee.

During the Fall 2004 semester, the committee will review policies regarding student residence halls, the definition of “class days” (Faculty Senate Resolution 1.5) and permission for requesting student progress reports.

Curriculum (H. Wheeler)
The primary responsibility of the Curriculum Committee is to review all proposals for changes in the curricular offerings of the College and make recommendations regarding these to the Faculty Senate.  Additionally the committee reviews the College’s general education requirements and may be asked to review academic programs.  During the 2003-2004 academic year, the committee reviewed 145 curriculum proposals giving final approval to thirty new courses, sixty-four course revisions, eleven course deactivations, one new program, twenty-three program revisions and four program deactivations.  Proposals for three course revisions, eight course deactivations and one program revision are currently posted for faculty review.  In addition to today’s action items, the committee has given final approval to the following curriculum proposals since the May Faculty Senate meeting:

NC32S TEK 200 Laboratory Data Preparation and Analysis with MathCad
CR 73S  HED 118: Introduction to Safety
CR68S ART 271 Twentieth Century Art and Ideas
CR79S   CIS 201 Web Site Programming and Design
CR80S   CIT 101 Surveying
CR81S   CPT 115 Introduction to Networks
CR83S   CIT 112 Civil/Construction Drawing II
CR84S   CIT 122 Construction I” Elements of Building Construction
CR85S   CIT 204 Strength of Materials
CR86S   MET 203 Technical Mechanics, Statics
CD10S   CPT 203: Embedded Microcontroller Programming and I/O
PR21S   Computer Information Systems AAS
PD 2 Instrumentation Technology

NEG (S. Cable)
Nominations, Elections and Governance seeks nominations for the Faculty Senate’s officers (President, Vice President and Secretary), senators, and representatives to the MCC Association Board and the SUNY Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC).  NEG reviews and maintains the Senate’s voting membership list and oversees periodic review of the Senate’s bylaws and resolutions. 

In fulfilling these duties, NEG conducted Spring elections (four contested) for twenty senator vacancies and the election of MCC’s representative to the FCCC.  The committee is reviewing the current bylaws that specify membership criteria for the Faculty Senate, with the goal of recommending changes that more accurately correlate language with current MCC job titles.  The committee will continue to work on this through the summer anticipating a report to Executive Committee in September followed by open hearings and a possible vote to amend the current bylaws.  The committee requests new and returning senators submit their preferences for committee assignments by June 14.   

Planning (T. Keys)
The Planning Committee participates in long range strategic planning including cultural changes, building programs, budgets, accreditation, and other matters relating to a master plan.  Bob Cunningham (Enrollment Management) serves as a non-voting member and the committee meets on a regular basis with Richard Degus (Executive Assistant to the President).   A second major task of the committee is to review strategic planning grants and forward recommendations to the President. 

This year the committee has been involved with Mission Review and recommended the partial or complete funding of eight strategic planning grants. Future tasks will include discussions regarding the proposed downtown Renaissance Center, Middle States Accreditation and development of a new strategic plan for the College.

Professional Development (W. Brewer)
Professional Development serves as a steering committee for various Faculty awards and makes appropriate recommendations to the administration.  The committee reviewed thirteen applications for the NISOD award, recommending the five recipients of this year’s award.  The committee also reviewed nominations for the Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence and MCC’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service.  This year’s recipients were Robert Brown and Marie Fetzner, respectively. 

The committee seeks and reviews applications for Leaves for Professional Advancement forwarding recommendations to the President.  Leaves have been awarded to Anne White, Charlene Blanchard and Lynn Batholome.

The committee also provides opportunities for professional development.  A workshop entitled “Mental Health Influences on Student Success” was offered during January, and “Making A Commitment to Civility” will be presented June 11.

SCAA (J. McCauley)
The Special Committee on Administrative Affairs provides faculty the opportunity to participate in the selection and/or appointment of individuals considered for administrative positions related to the academic areas of the College.  These include President, Vice Presidents, Associate or Assistant Vice Presidents, Deans, Executive Deans, and Directors.  The committee also conducts elections for department chairs and forwards these recommendations to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  This past year SCAA was involved in discussions on the formation of MCC’s Department of Education.  SCAA also participated in the search for the Associate Dean of Technical Education leading to the selection of Kate Schiefen.  Currently, the committee is conducting a search for to fill the position of Dean of Students at DCC.

5.      Old Business
D. Cox thanked committee chairs for their work this year and noted three vacancies will result as the terms of Terry Keys, Bill Brewer and Beth Laidlaw expire this summer.

D. Cox thanked Andy Sharpe and Christian O’Brien, representatives from student governance for their attendance at this year’s Faculty Senate meetings.

6.      New Business
Senate history has shown the Senate to be a very active body and D. Cox invited senators and guests to voice issues for the Senate to focus on in the upcoming year.   The following list of topics was compiled:

Academic Policies
·       Ability of students to register late for classes and to withdraw from a course (consider no drop/add after courses begin).

·       Should there be a policy giving a time for grade changes?
·       Incomplete grade contract form (consider automatic follow-up procedure so that chairs are not required to sign grade change forms on behalf of their faculty members).

·       Consistent consequences for academic honesty violations
·       Review the grievance policy.
·       Modifying the final exam schedule to duplicate course schedule.

Professional Development
·       TRS department interested in sponsoring open forum on improving students’ reading (looking at a reading course)
·       Make space for discussing culture which emphasizes achievement rather time to discuss what happens in the classroom

·       1 credit course or more to help students focus on individual interests and career
·       Consider making college orientation a mandatory event
·       Health Services staff at DCC
·       Promoting and educating college community with regard to senate activities
·       Disseminating information from the senate to the college at large
·       Student conduct in hallway outside classrooms; consider more presence of public safety
·       All MCC employees and students wearing ID badges for security purposes
·       Synchronize the clocks
·       Redesign convocation and graduation for more significant faculty involvement with graduates.
·       Phones in all classrooms (bldg. 6, for example).
·       Does the Faculty Senate have a community service committee or do volunteers work as part of their Professional development Committee? 
·       All-college meeting – possibly a time for Senators to come and do business and then a different time for the rest of the faculty to join them for the “all-college meeting”. This way the faculty doesn’t have to sit through votes on curriculum issues.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Cox               Terri Tugel
President               Secretary

Minutes approved at the September 23,2004 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office