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MCC Daily Tribune

Important Study Tips in Time for Finals

Finals week is upon us! And with it is comes a fair amount of stress and anxiety resulting from the sheer volume of material in need of review. It’s easy to find this time of the semester overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can better utilize your resources to work for better grades and less time/stress. Here are some tips to in time for finals:

  • Though simple, creating a study schedule can be a valuable tool to both reduce feeling overwhelmed while also allowing you to schedule in time for rest. Having several finals within a short period can make students feels as though the need to divide their attention in an attempt to prioritize everything. However, prioritizing everything often means you will feel more burnt-out without the results of having meaningfully studied for each final. Carving out time for each final will better enable you to convert information to long-term memory. Just remember to schedule time for rest as well! Doing so will help you feel refreshed for each test, making recall faster and easier.
  • Another way to better make use of your study time/energy is to utilize active learning techniques. Reading and re-reading can be beneficial to deepen your understanding of a topic, but many students find more cognitively-involved practices help them retain information with less time spent. This can entail different techniques for different people, but some examples include writing/summarizing information in your own words, teaching someone (or something else – pets work too!) the material to better demonstrate mastery, create idea/mind maps of the content, or simply use flash cards to quickly test your knowledge.
  • Sometimes studying by yourself can give way to poor attention and low motivation. As such, forming study groups can be a useful tool to keep yourself focused and entertained. Having other people with whom you can quiz, review, and clarify class materials can better help you retain information while maintaining motivation. An arguably even more important benefit is that doing so can be more fun; socializing, take conversation break from studying, and having others with whom you can commiserate can help you maintain a second wind this late in the semester.
  • Lastly, if none of the aforementioned tips are making a difference, be sure to ask for help from your academic supports. Monroe Community College is equipped with tutors across the spectrum of educational programs offered at the college, and professors have set aside time for office hours – make use of them! Doing so may save you a lot of stress and time in the final push of the semester.

Of course this list is not exhaustive, maintaining good nutrition and sleep routines play an important role in overall wellness during stressful times, and talking to a counselor at the Counseling Center on how to better manage anxiety are just two of many more unmentioned tips to improve studying. But doing these aforementioned tips will help you maximize your efforts and time to better secure a desired grade. As always, should any emotional needs arise during this period, do not hesitate to contact the Counseling Center to schedule a supportive session. Give us a call at 292-2140 or stop by in building 3, room 103 should and supports be needed.

Matthew Pagani
Counseling Center & Disability Services