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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

2003 League Conference on Information Technology - Call for Proposals

October 19-22
Midwest Express Center
Milwaukee, WI

HOST: Wisconsin Technical College System
The League for Innovation is accepting proposals to present at the 2003 Conference on Information Technology.
The League for Innovation's annual Conference on Information Technology (CIT) is the premier showcase of the use of information technology to improve teaching and learning, student services, and institutional management. Celebrating 19 years of excellence, CIT features a technologically sophisticated and topically diverse program that helps educators explore and expand their use of technology.
This call for proposals is an invitation to join your colleagues in a dynamic learning community to discover how information technology is transforming the educational enterprise.
Monday, March 24. Proposals can be submitted at <>.
Exciting new careers are emerging every day in robotics, microelectronics, nanotechnology, lasers, artificial intelligence, information and cyber security, simulations, holographics, and aerospace, with new technologies being discovered continuously. Track 1 focuses on identifying breakthrough ideas, programs, hardware, software, and policy and legal issues, and provides insights into their impact and long-term implications for educators. Each year, there is a special focus on one or two emerging technologies believed to be of particular interest to educators. For the 2003 CIT, the special focus for Track 1 is "Nanotechnology and Possible Directions for Educators." Proposals targeted toward this focus area should encourage an exchange of ideas regarding how community colleges can anticipate and meet future educational and training needs in this emerging field.
Although nanotechnology is the special focus of Track 1 at the 2003 CIT, other proposal topics related to the use of information technology in higher education that are likely to have long-term consequences for educators are strongly encouraged.

Track 7: Math, Science, Allied Health, and Vocational Education Given special consideration are proposals that explore innovative approaches to improving career and technical education leading to improved student achievement in vocational areas. This track also aims to facilitate the dialogue among mathematicians, scientists, health care professionals, engineers, and technologists in academia and industry who use computer technology in scientific and engineering research and education programs at all levels.
Diana G. Oblinger, Executive Director, Higher Education, Microsoft
Hotel, travel, and registration information will be available soon. For assistance or additional information, please contact Ed Leach at <> or (480) 705-8200, x233.

Dr. Susan Salvador
Office for Student Services