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<p><em>Note: Because I had a margin of error of +/-3%, the following results can be generalized to the larger population of people who were sent the survey.&nbsp;</em></p>


<p><strong>What Students Need Right Now</strong></p>

<p>&ldquo;What kind of help, if any, do you need right now?&rdquo;&nbsp; This question was open response, which allowed respondents to type in their answers.&nbsp; The most common themes that emerged about their current needs were:</p>

<li>None (656 respondents)</li>

<li>Financial assistance, including financial counseling (271 respondents), for example, &quot;<em>The most help I need right now is tutoring and monitory help as my family is struggling especially when 2 of them had to be rushed to the ER when we had covid. The hospital bills are nothing to joke about.&quot;</em></li>

<li>Tutoring and other academic support, including signing up for classes (239 respondents)</li>

<li>More time, time management, or a vacation such as Spring Break (79 respondents)</li>

<li>More face-to-face courses, assistance, and social interactions (76 respondents)</li>
<p>Mental health support, counseling, emotional help (64 respondents), for example, &quot;<em>I have been struggling with mental health lately.&quot;</em></p>
<li>For faculty to be more understanding/communicative (53 respondents)</li>


<p><strong>Why Students Enrolled at MCC</strong></p>

<p>Respondents were asked &ldquo;What is or was your #1 reason for attending MCC?&rdquo; The question was open response, which allowed them to type as much or as little as they wanted.&nbsp; The general themes that emerged were:</p>

<li>Affordability (422 respondents)</li>

<li>Proximity to home (255 respondents), for example, <em>&quot;The convenience of the location drew me in.&nbsp; The heart and encouragement of the faculty keeps me here.&quot;</em></li>

<li>Offers a variety of courses &amp; programs (189 respondents)</li>

<li>To get my degree or certificate (162 respondents)</li>

<li>To get a better job / to start a career (156 respondents), for example, <em>&quot;To have a career, and to be a successful human being in society, to make money, to grow as an individual....&quot;</em></li>

<li>Quality of education (153 respondents)</li>

<li>It will help me transfer to a 4-year school (118 respondents)</li>

<li>Faculty, staff, and general community are excellent / supportive (96 respondents)</li>


<p><strong>Why Some Students Have Left MCC While others Stayed</strong></p>

<p>Most of the survey respondents (81%) were enrolled at MCC in the spring. When asked to type in the most important factors influencing that decision to remain enrolled, the general themes that emerged were the ones that had to do with why they first enrolled at MCC.&nbsp; (See above.)</p>

<p>Approximately 19% of the survey respondents had stopped out or dropped out of MCC after the pandemic started.&nbsp; When asked what the biggest factors were that influenced their decision to leave, the general themes that emerged were:</p>

<li>Finished what I came to do (e.g., earned all my transfer credits, finished the classes I wanted; 78 respondents)</li>

<li>Didn&rsquo;t do well with online classes (44 respondents)</li>

<li>COVID2019 (41 respondents)</li>

<li>Couldn&rsquo;t afford to continue (35 respondents)</li>

<li>Couldn&rsquo;t balance school with work (25 respondents)</li>

<li>Couldn&rsquo;t balance school with family (23 respondents)</li>

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MCC Daily Tribune

IR's COVID-Era College-Wide Survey Results: Section I

As I mentioned in my Trib post on July 7, I would be sharing the results of IR's COVID-Era College-Wide Survey throughout July and August.  The following is Section I of XI.

Note: Because I had a margin of error of +/-3%, the following results can be generalized to the larger population of people who were sent the survey. 


What Students Need Right Now

“What kind of help, if any, do you need right now?”  This question was open response, which allowed respondents to type in their answers.  The most common themes that emerged about their current needs were:

  • None (656 respondents)
  • Financial assistance, including financial counseling (271 respondents), for example, "The most help I need right now is tutoring and monitory help as my family is struggling especially when 2 of them had to be rushed to the ER when we had covid. The hospital bills are nothing to joke about."
  • Tutoring and other academic support, including signing up for classes (239 respondents)
  • More time, time management, or a vacation such as Spring Break (79 respondents)
  • More face-to-face courses, assistance, and social interactions (76 respondents)
  • Mental health support, counseling, emotional help (64 respondents), for example, "I have been struggling with mental health lately."

  • For faculty to be more understanding/communicative (53 respondents)


Why Students Enrolled at MCC

Respondents were asked “What is or was your #1 reason for attending MCC?” The question was open response, which allowed them to type as much or as little as they wanted.  The general themes that emerged were:

  • Affordability (422 respondents)
  • Proximity to home (255 respondents), for example, "The convenience of the location drew me in.  The heart and encouragement of the faculty keeps me here."
  • Offers a variety of courses & programs (189 respondents)
  • To get my degree or certificate (162 respondents)
  • To get a better job / to start a career (156 respondents), for example, "To have a career, and to be a successful human being in society, to make money, to grow as an individual...."
  • Quality of education (153 respondents)
  • It will help me transfer to a 4-year school (118 respondents)
  • Faculty, staff, and general community are excellent / supportive (96 respondents)


Why Some Students Have Left MCC While others Stayed

Most of the survey respondents (81%) were enrolled at MCC in the spring. When asked to type in the most important factors influencing that decision to remain enrolled, the general themes that emerged were the ones that had to do with why they first enrolled at MCC.  (See above.)

Approximately 19% of the survey respondents had stopped out or dropped out of MCC after the pandemic started.  When asked what the biggest factors were that influenced their decision to leave, the general themes that emerged were:

  • Finished what I came to do (e.g., earned all my transfer credits, finished the classes I wanted; 78 respondents)
  • Didn’t do well with online classes (44 respondents)
  • COVID2019 (41 respondents)
  • Couldn’t afford to continue (35 respondents)
  • Couldn’t balance school with work (25 respondents)
  • Couldn’t balance school with family (23 respondents)

Mary Ann DeMario