HSP-251: Hospitality Marketing

Course Description

Students will learn the theoretical concepts of developing a start-up business and give a shark tank pitch that shares the 8 Ps of the product or service. Students will apply core competencies gained throughout the semester, such as PRICE (planning, research, implementation, control & evaluation) to their start-up. The shark tank experience will simulate the personal selling skills needed in the hospitality industry, while demonstrating the marketing strategies necessary to ensure success. Core competencies are achieved in basic accounting, inventory management, human resources, sales and marketing. Additional skill sets are acquired through the intensive use of computer competencies such as Internet literacy, uploading, e-mailing, downloading and instant messaging. Students will draw from previous course content to enable successful completion of this course.


Must be HM Major; MCC Math Placement Level 2 or higher or TRS 092 with a grade of C or higher.

HSP-251 Sections for Spring 2020

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

HSP-251, Section 181

CRN #30867
Traditional (In-Person)


Danyelle Hildreth

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureBrighton Campus
Building 05, Room 100
Jan 21st, 2020 – May 23rd, 2020Monday
5:30 pm - 8:20 pm
Type Lecture
Location Brighton Campus
Building 05, Room 100
Date(s) Jan 21st, 2020 – May 23rd, 2020
Day / Time Monday
5:30 pm - 8:20 pm