HVA-106: HVAC Workplace Training

Course Description

This course is designed to prepare the HVAC technician for the legal and safety issues related to the industry. Employee, employer, and customer relations will be explored. The student will learn to self-evaluate their personal and technical skills and prepare a professional plan for growth. Three class hours.

HVA-106 Sections for Intersession 2022

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

HVA-106, Section AT1

CRN #30055
Traditional (In-Person)


Kevin French

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureApplied Technologies Center
Room 141
Jan 3rd, 2022 – Jan 19th, 2022Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
1:00 pm - 4:25 pm
Type Lecture
Location Applied Technologies Center
Room 141
Date(s) Jan 3rd, 2022 – Jan 19th, 2022
Day / Time Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
1:00 pm - 4:25 pm