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MCC Daily Tribune

Open Session with Middle States Liaison Today

As part of our ongoing Middle States Reaccreditation Self-Study efforts, Dr. Judi Sciple, our Middle States liaison, will be visiting MCC on Monday, April 22.  Administrators, students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in an open session with Dr. Sciple from 12 pm to 1 pm in Monroe A or virtually via the link provided below. This open conversation serves as an opportunity for our college community to learn more about the accreditation process and its significance for the College. Your active engagement and participation are highly encouraged in this session.

During this one-day Self-Study Preparation visit, Dr. Sciple will engage in discussions with President Burt-Nanna, Co-Chairs Candice Baldwin and Natasha Chen, Accreditation Liaison Officer Susan Hall, the Steering Committee, Working Group members and Co-Chairs, as well as members of the Board of Trustees.

We are also pleased to announce that the Middle States website ( is now live, and will serve as a central hub for all information related to our reaccreditation efforts.

Attached Files:
(Internal only; employees must log in to view.)

Middle States Open Session with VP Liaison Zoom Link_4.22.24.pdf

Candice Baldwin
Office of the President