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TCC Gratitude Series, Day 10: Faculty Spotlight on Scott Rudd & Susan Belair

Today is the last day of TCC’s gratitude series, we would like to spotlight faculty members who received an avalanche of nominations from their students, Scott Rud and Susan Blair, thanks for inspiring those around you and especially by your students.

Scott Rudd (English and Philosophy), Receiving 6 Nominations

  • The lengths Professor Rudd goes to for his students knows no bounds; as much as he claims to be a hologram, he is very human and we see the sacrifices he makes to remain available to help us and provide us with a quality education. He is the type of professor who aims to make us better people rather than just better students, and he is the type of professor every person deserves at least once in their life.
  • Professor Rudd inspired me to reimagine what it means to be a student. Through his encouragement, advice, and feedback, I discovered that learning can be about so much more than getting good grades and preparing for a career. I feel empowered to take charge of my academic career, and I am excited to see what kind of student I can be.
  • He will fight for his students, even if it means at times putting his students before himself. He’s always offered great resources, and while he sets clear boundaries and expectations, he’s always been very lenient and nice when it comes to extending deadlines and setting up meetings for help. He’s one of those professors who you know wants the best for you, not just at mcc, but for your future and overall academic career. Thanks for not being a total hologram professor :)
  • I want to recognize Scott Rudd in English 200-002. I am thankful that I chose this class, I am confident in knowing that I did a fantastic job. In my strong belief, Professor Rudd truly help me to find my passion in writing. I first struggled with finding my purpose of the class, but while this class continued through the month’s I discovered my “Why” and it continues to amaze me. Professor Rudd is very understanding, unique, analytical, and a great teacher. He believes in all of his students. I have learned so much from him just shy of 12 weeks it’s beyond amazing. I thank him for assisting me. I would like to add that he is always available for the student, I can’t say anything else, just that he’s a great professor and I hope to take him again for another class in the future. I recommend this class a great experience. Thanks
  • Professor Rudd goes out of his way to make learning engaging and interesting. He stays with topics, and they open up thought and conversation that the whole class gets involved in. He sensed the class as a whole was stressed about an upcoming test, and he gave us the test, we talked about the pieces of art we had been studying, refreshed our analysis terms and steps, and then 40 minutes later let us begin our test. He said, "I am not out to get anyone". He understands the real meaning of helping us do our best, as well as the delivery of information in a way that triggers active engagement and memory. He is an all-around supportive professor.
  • Professor Rudd sacrifices his personal time for his students. He makes himself available despite his busy schedule and goes above and beyond what is necessary to ensure his students success. His position at MCC is not his job but his life.

Susan Belair (Anthropology, History, Political Science and Sociology), Receiving 3 Nominations

  • Professor Belair goes to all lengths to help her students not only understand the class content but is also always there to help with assignments. She has made it very clear that she wants all of her students succeed. You can tell she has a passion for what she does and it makes me look forward to attending her class. I’m a first year student and she was the first professor I met leaving a great first impression. I have a disability and she has been very accommodating and you can tell she genuinely cares about my (and I’m sure the rest of her students) well being. When I have told her I’m struggling she makes it a point to tell me don’t forget to rest and practice self care. Professor Belair is retiring and I would love for her to be recognized before she leaves.
  • Belair is such a great professor and I look forward going to her lectures every day. She lights up the room and is super funny. I’d like to thank her because she’s made my first semester of college experience fun and memorable. Her commitment to providing a positive learning environment has truly made a lasting impression.
  • She is an awesome professor. Not only does she make class interesting, but she also is extremely understanding that us students have lives outside of class. With providing reasonable extensions and extra credit, it is very difficult to do poorly in her class. She also makes the lessons interactive rather than staring at a board taking notes. I will miss her so much!!

I would like to thank all of our faculty and professional staff who facilitated TCC programs this semester. It has been such a great pleasure and honor to highlight kudos in the last 10 days. I am looking forward to all of our professional development opportunities in Spring 2024.

Kural, Melis
Teaching & Creativity Center