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Student Tribune

Day Two of Take a Brain Break Week

Welcome to day two of Take a Brain Break Week celebrated by MCC Libraries to support students (plus staff and faculty!) by encouraging self-care and relaxation at the end of each semester.  This week includes fun activities, giveaways, and stress relievers.

Come into the LVG (Brighton) Library’s zen zone where we’ll provide you with coloring activities and a cozy beverage to help you destress. According to the Cleveland Clinic, three reasons that adult coloring can actually relax your brain are:

  1. attention flows away from ourselves and the things that are stressing us out,
  2. it relaxes the brain by pulling our difficulties from our awareness, and
  3. it is a low-stakes activity that can be as neat - or as messy - as you choose. 

We’d love to see your artistic skills - no matter what level - and give you the chance to take a breather with us for a few minutes.

What's happening tomorrow? You can make crepe paper flowers to brighten up winter days or use as a gift bow for holiday gifts!

Beechey, Michelle