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Student Tribune

Green Tip: Get There Green! September 20-26

Get There Green! is a week to promote and celebrate more sustainable modes of transportation. This year it is taking place September 20 through 26.  According to the NYS OGS, at 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, “Transportation represents the largest source of New York State's greenhouse gas emissions and the largest part of most New Yorker's personal carbon footprint as well.” Everyone is encouraged to join in this week by pledging to use a more sustainable mode of transportation as often as possible to help reduce those emissions.

So, put those gas-guzzling car keys down and try:

  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Public Transit (RTS Bus)
  • Carpooling (with vaccinated passengers)
  • Driving an electric vehicle
  • Any other mode of transportation that is not driving alone in a fossil fuel powered vehicle—be creative!

You can pledge your ‘green trip(s)’ online. You will need to complete the pledge more than once if you are using different modes of transportation or pledging multiple trips (such as carpooling to work, and biking to the grocery store).

When you pledge, your emissions reductions will count towards the overall total. A counter of emissions reductions pledged to date is on the Get There Green! webpage.

To find more facts, tips, and resources, scroll to the bottom on the Get There Green site.

You are also encouraged to share your green tips and selfies by posting to social media using #GTG21.

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee’s Recycling Committee