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Student Tribune

Presenting the 2020 Model United Nations Program

Welcome back everyone.

Once again we are gearing up for the National Model United Nations Program. Most of you know (if you have been around a while) that National Model UN is one of MCC's premier programs and is one of the most international forums for student learning, giving them an array of skill sets that contribute to student success.

Model UN is a very competitive program and it attracts students from all disciplines. This is why we are anxious to get the ball rolling. Students, we highly recommend that you look into this program. It can change your life and open doors for you. Model UN is framed around what we call the 3 Ls:

LEARNING: It's a fun way to learn about the world. In this era of globalization, being globally aware is more important than ever. Also, having fun makes it easier to learn something and makes you more likely to absorb and retain information.

LEADERSHIP: Model UN helps you develop leadership skills. It is an exercise in research, public speaking, critical thinking, foreign policy, diplomacy and teamwork. These are skills that you will need throughout your career, and we give you a chance to practice them while you're a student.

LEVERAGE: Students gain leverage through the Model UN experience, networking their way into the best colleges and universities and jobs. Admissions officers and job interviewers look for examples of leadership, and your experience as a delegate will be a good example.

Faculty and staff, please encourage your students to attend an informational session about Model UN. There are several sessions scheduled. The first one will be on Thursday, September 12, 2019, at 12:30pm in the PRISM Multicultural Center, Building 1, Room 108.

The brochure and application can be picked up at several locations, PRISM Multicultural Center, The Office of Student Life and Leadership Develop (Building 3-126) and in the Cafeteria area near the terrace area on the second floor.

Attached Files:
MODEL UN 2020.pdf

Batistta-Provost, Shirley
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion