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Student Tribune

Statement on Announcement from Louisville, Kentucky

In the wake of recent events in Kentucky that have shaken the nation, MCC is reaching out to our students, faculty, staff and greater community to share our commitment to equity and a better future.

As a community college and as individuals, we stand for the most honorable of qualities: access, opportunity, equity, and equality. By modeling those values, we hope to be a beacon of hope for what our community and our country can and should become. As a community college that values inclusion, and cultural and individual perspectives on our campus and community, we believe that the indictments handed down in the killing of Breonna Taylor are not even-handed.

I am hopeful that we, in this community, will seize the moment to not only collectively grieve, but to capitalize on the opportunity to not just hear, but listen, to what each other has to say. At MCC, we are committed to change as we improve our students' lives--all our students' lives--and help them realize their fullest potential so they can achieve their rightful place in our society.

Douglas, Katherine
Office of the President