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Student Tribune

Bike to work, Work to eat, Eat to live, Live to Bike, Bike to work...

Celebrate National Bike to Work Day this Friday by planning a route to work and riding your bike!

Friday, May 17th is National Bike To Work Day. Will you be one to take up the challenge? Besides the obvious health benefits of riding to work, you will also be able to de-stress on the way to and from work, save money on gas for your car, and avoid any parking or other traffic concerns.

Bike to Work Day falls on the third Friday in May each year. People are encouraged to take their bicycle to work on this day. Studies have shown that bicycling to work is not only good for you and a whole lot of fun, but it also increases your happiness level and helps your brain function better. It also allows you to save the money that would otherwise be spent on gas or bus fare. So strap on your helmet, get on your bike, and enjoy a leisurely ride to work. Bicycling is the best way to travel.

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Simmons, Kevin
Communications and Network Services