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Student Tribune

Students Speak Out: Issues Impacting MCC from a Student Perspective


Facilitated by Dr. Calvin Gantt, Chief Diversity Officer and Kimberly DeLardge, Enrollment Management

As students come back to campus this year to anything but a normal transition, they are faced into an overwhelming fear of a new normal "The impacts of this unexpected transition to distance learning are not equal among students. Many students entered resource-limited or stressful domestic situations that are not conducive to learning. When we think of all the things are facing students (COVID19, racial unrest, low socioeconomic status, immigration issues, family issues, voter suppression, etc.) we ask ourselves what can we do to help our students. All of these types of situations could exacerbate challenges to academic performance caused by disruption of learning due to the pandemic.

Students, it is time to hear from you. Please join us for a townhall discussion with MCC's Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Calvin Gantt, and Kimberly DeLardge from Enrollment Management. This is a time where we can hear from students. What are things that are on your mind? What things do you feel can help you at MCC during these uncertain times? How you do feel as a student about voting? There are so many things that impact you, even if you are not aware of them. We look forward to meeting and hearing from you. Faculty and staff are welcomed to zoom in also. JOIN US!

WHEN: Wednesday, October 14, 2020

TIME: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

WHERE: Zoom link below YVVseXhmdz09

Meeting ID: 890 7773 1287
Passcode: 009375
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 890 7773 1287
Find your local number: https://monroecommunity.zoom. us/u/k44EJbyHU

Hosted by: The Democracy Commitment at MCC, IDEA, Prism Multicultural Center, Latino Empowerment Network, GEIS, Global Education, International Services, First Year Experience


Batistta-Provost, Shirley
Inclusion/Diversity/Equity and Accountability