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Student Tribune

Jackie Carson Retires

After 14 years of exemplary service to the MCC community in the Health Services department, Jackie Carson retired on December 31, 2021.

Jackie served as a Registered Nurse, Clinical Care Coordinator, Assistant Director, and Director during her tenure. Jackie especially provided exceptional leadership during the height of the pandemic. We are grateful for her service. She will be missed.

Jackie provided this farewell message to the MCC community:

Ode to MCC

Farewell to my colleagues and the students too!  It is time for my retirement and saying adieu.

The journey has been remarkable with its highs and its lows.

It has provided me life lessons; friendships; and more.

I have relied on my passion for student success and pulled out my resilience when put to the test.

I will remember the faces, the triumphs, the defeats and will walk with my head high knowing my career is complete.

I will treasure the memories and all the hard work, the bonding with colleagues and students for sure!​

It's on to the next chapter without any regrets, knowing I gave MCC my very best!

Godspeed to all of you.

May your holidays be bright and your New Year be blessed.






Delate, John
Student Services Office