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Student Tribune

Auditions for Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play

Tuesday, January 29, and Wednesday, January 30.


Mainstage Theatre (4-141).

"It's the end of everything in contemporary America. A future without power. But what will survive? Mr. Burns asks how the stories we tell make us the people we are, explodes the boundaries between pop and high culture and, when society has crumbled, imagines the future for America's most famous family."

Actors must prepare a 1 minute dramatic, contemporary monologue. They will also be asked to read excerpts from the script. This show also has some singing required, so you may be asked to sing a bit of a song a cappella, so please prepare a contemporary song of the rock or pop variety; NOT FROM A MUSICAL (and no Disney, please). The competition for this show will be stiff as there are only 8 roles. Rehearsal schedule will be Mondays through Thursdays from 3:30pm-6:30pm beginning Jan 31. The show goes up April 5, 6, and 7. If cast, you will be registered for THE 190 and earn 3 credits.
Break a leg!

Chang, Heather
Visual and Performing Arts