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Student Tribune

Impeachment and the Constitution: A Nation Divided

PRISM Multicultural Center, Inclusion/Diversity/Equity & Accountability Office, First Year Experience (FYE), Global Education & International Services Office (GEIS) and Latino Empowerment Network (LEN) presents:


(A Nation Divided)

Everyone's talking impeachment these days, but are you confused about what that actually means? Are you wondering how we arrived at such a funny word for such serious political undertaking? Impeachment may be a big topic with hot takes. If you are anywhere on this planet today, this word is all you hear followed by the word Donald Trump. Question; how is impeachment used and why are we are divided as a nation over the word. Civil Discourse is out of control and the nation keeps asking the question, "Why?"

Think about the word (Impeachment) and ask yourself what does the Constitution say when it comes to impeachment and a sitting President. There are no clear guidance in the Constitution about whether a sitting president can be charged with a crime under normal federal criminal laws. That question has been debated by legal scholars and attorneys, but the Supreme Court has not yet had the opportunity to settle the issue.

Join us for an engaging presentation and conversation around this important topic with presentations from Professor Louis Andolino and Professor Joseph Scanlon, moderated and facilitated by Professor Karen Morris on;

When: Monday, February 3, 2020

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. with a Q&A from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: PRISM Multicultural Center, Building 1 Room 108

Attached Files:

Batistta-Provost, Shirley
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accountability