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Student Tribune

Free QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training

SUNY System Administration currently has a Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention grant with the NYS Office of Mental Health. Through this grant, SUNY is able to offer free access to Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper training to students, faculty, and staff and other SUNY community members.

Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR) is an evidence-based emergency mental health intervention for people at risk of suicide. The goal of QPR is to recognize a suicide crisis, interrupt it, and direct the person to appropriate care.

Like CPR, QPR works to increase an at-risk individual's chance of survival. People trained in QPR are taught to recognize the warning signs of suicide, which include depression, expressions of hopelessness, and talk of suicide. They are then taught how to respond.

The training course takes only an hour, and could help save a life. If you are interested in becoming certified in QPR, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Go to QPR Training Account Activation page
  2. Type in SUNY for the organization code
  3. Click Create Training Account
  4. Log in to the QPR Gatekeeper website
  5. Enter your user info in the applicable “case-sensitive” fields
  6. Follow the directions on the screen to complete the workshop

Should you have any questions, please kindly direct them to Aubrey Zamiara (

Zamiara, Aubrey
Counseling, Disability & Health Services