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Student Tribune

Workshop Today! Are You Ready? The Forensic Rape Exam in Media

Interested in learning more about the forensic rape examination? If so, join us today for a workshop, “Are you Ready? Looking at the forensic rape exam in media” at 5:30 in the Empire Room (3-209). Our presenters, Julia De Luca and Nancy Harris are experts in this field.

The SANE exam. The FRE. The Kit. Whatever you call it, the post-sexual assault medical exam often goes hand-in-hand with discussions about sexual assault, whether in movies, shows, or print. But how accurate are these depictions of the medical exam? And what, exactly, happens to them when they are through?

You'll review different portrayals of the Forensic Exam in different pieces of media, including Unbelievable, Grey's Anatomy, and Law and Order. Afterwards, viewers will learn just how they can advocate for and support survivors of sexual violence.

Carroll, Michelle
Student Rights and Responsibilities