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Student Tribune

Student Nurses Association Collecting Jeans

The Great Jeans Giveaway – Caring For Our Bodies While Caring For Others

The MCC Student Nurses Association is working with the Western NY Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders as they prepare to highlight the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Week by collecting “your jeans” and asking you to be comfortable in your genes and wearing jeans that fit the real you. Celebrate your body by giving away jeans that do not fit the true you. Donated jeans will be collected from 2-1-2022 until 2-15-2022 and will be shared with Willow Domestic Violence Center and the Victor Community Clothes Closet. Please bring your jeans to the Nursing Office 9-111. We will have a box for your donations. Thank you!!

Dorsey, Jacqueline