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Student Tribune

TCC: Kudos for Educational Excellence--Call for Nominations

As the end of the semester draws near, please take a few minutes and submit a nomination to recognize a colleague for educational excellence. Everyone who works at MCC is involved in the educational experience, so everyone is eligible to be nominated. This is a simple way to participate in a culture of gratitude and recognition.

  • Whose support over the past few months has made all the difference for you in whatever your role is?
  • Who has taught you something that has altered your perspective for the better? 
  • Who do you know is doing excellent work but might not get the recognition they have earned?

Use this link to submit kudos for a colleague (or more than one), so that we might all know who the helpers are around us. 

Please submit by Fri., December 2. Recipients will be acknowledged in an announcement the following week.

Shamblin, Terry