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Student Tribune

Your DNA Profile: What does it tell about you?

Presented by special guest, Mr. Richard Hill advisor of DNA Testing

Do we know who we really are OR do we think we know who we are?  DNA kits have gained lots of interest in the last decade about people wanting to know more about their origin.  The “Big 5” companies (23and Me, Family Tree DNA, Living DNA, Ancestry DNA and MyHeritage DNA are doing their best to use statistical data in conjunction with historical information about populations and migrations to give us these estimates. But in the end, they are just estimate (best guesses as to where you might find your ancestors thousands of years ago).  These tests are based on science, but if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you may end up taking the wrong test.  Genealogy speaker Richard Hill in his presentation “Understanding the Ethnic Ancestry in Your DNA Test” will shed some light on this topic and provide examples on each of the DNA test from the different companies. 

Richard Hill discovered the power of DNA during his long search for biological ancestors. He will introduce us to several forms of DNA testing as he shares other fascinating facts.  This presentation has been called educational, humorous, and heartwarming. 

Please join us for this presentation with a segment to ask questions after the presentation.

DATE:    March 10, 2021

TIME:      12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m.


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Sponsored by:  Latino Empowerment Network (LEN) and PRISM Multicultural Center.  This event is supported by the Programming Educators for Action, Collaboration and Equity (PEACE)

Attached Files:

Batistta-Provost, Shirley
Inclusion/Diversity/Equity/Accountability Office