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Student Tribune

Chancellor Malatras' Statement on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself …’ and it is our duty to continue his legacy to fight for social justice of all in our society no matter their race, color, or creed. There is more work to be done, and SUNY—the largest system of public higher education representing the rich diversity of this state—is ready to do this work. As we look to the future, we must follow Dr. King’s lead of achieving change through peaceful, but persistent efforts, and strive to create a world where all have equal opportunity to succeed—it is on us, in higher education, to embody the principles of equality and justice that we hope to achieve in this country.” -- SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras


Yule, Rosanna
Government and Community Relations