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Student Tribune

SUNY Shares Campus Reopening Plans

SUNY and its 64 campuses have developed plans to resume on-campus activities and in-person instruction for the Fall 2020 semester. Access to the plans is centralized on the SUNY website.

The plans reflect guidance from Governor Cuomo, the New York State Department of Health, NY Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board, and NY Reimagine Education Advisory Council, and are pursuant to the Phase 4 Industry Guidelines for Higher Education.

In April, SUNY established a COVID-19 Resume and Restart Task Force, with seven working groups focused on specific areas integral to a safe and successful restart:

  1. Academic Continuity
  2. Physical Preparedness
  3. Research Enterprise and Science of Reopening
  4. Student Wellness
  5. Community Colleges
  6. Community Engagement
  7. Resources

SUNY also launched a Campus Reopening Information Portal to provide staff members with resources and updated information SUNY-wide to guide reopening and ongoing activities. ​The portal includes a discussion board and contact information for each campus' Campus Safety Monitor whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the higher education institution's reopening plan. MCC's Campus Safety Monitor is Chief of Public Safety Tony Perez.

Yule, Rosanna
Government and Community Relations