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Student Tribune

Laptop Loaners

MCC Libraries has a limited number of laptops to loan to students in need of technology access for the spring semester. 

Here is how students can request a loaner laptop for the spring semester:

  1. Visit the Semester Loan Laptop webpage.
  2. Sign in using your MCC login and password.
  3. Under “Get It”, choose one of the laptops (item in place) or click “Request.”
  4. Choose your pickup location and click “Send Request.”
  5. You will not receive a confirmation email.
  6. You will receive an email when your laptop is ready to be picked up.

Requests will be filled in the order in which they are received. The Libraries also have laptops available for in-library usage for two hours at a time.  

We look forward to seeing you this semester in the LVG (Brighton) Library and in the Downtown Learning Commons!

Beechey, Michelle