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Student Tribune

TCC: Tip of the Day - Taking the Perspective of Others

Thank you to John Delate, AVP of Student Services, for sharing today's Tip of the Day. If you haven't already attended the professional development opportunities that Student Services offers, consider it. The topics are relevant to all.

In order to resolve conflict constructively, so that all parties are satisfied with the outcome, a person must be able to hold all the opposing ideas, positions, and perspectives in mind at the same time and still function effectively. Successful problem-solving and conflict resolution largely depends on a person's ability to take the opponent's cognitive and affective perspectives and understand how the conflict appears to the other person and how that person is reacting emotionally and attitudinally. If a person cannot take the perspective of opponents, then his or her understanding of the issue is limited and incomplete.


-David W. Johnson, Ed.D.

Merliss, Eugenia
Teaching & Creativity Center