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Student Tribune

Build Sustainability into Your Life - Composting

The 2023 theme for International Compost Awareness Week (the first full week of May) is For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost! According to the Compost Research & Education Foundation, by composting organics and using it on farmlands, we create healthy soils that produce healthier food and higher yields, and also reduce the need for fertilizer and pesticides, improve water quality and conserve water and help to reduce climate change by storing carbon in soil.

Compost at Home:
Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County lists 6 Steps to Compost:

  1. Pick your bin
  2. Site your bin
  3. Collect browns! (carbon – leaves, straw, shredded newspaper)
  4. Lasagna layer – sticks at base, browns, food scraps, browns, repeat scraps and browns
  5. Turn (optional but will speed process)
  6. Harvest & Use!

Drop-off/Curbside Compost Programs:

  1. ROC City Compost (Rochester residents only): participants drop-off food waste at locations in Maplewood Park, Cobbs Hill Park, and Genesee Valley Park at scheduled times.
  2. Village of Fairport Collectively Composting (village residents only)
  3. Impact Earth: exchange sites at Abundance Co-Op or Lori’s Natural Foods (no set schedule – cost to join).

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee