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Student Tribune

Title IX is hosting a documentary and a panel Today!

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and your Title IX office is hosting a documentary this evening.

The documentary, Victim/Suspect, explores the criminalization of sexual assault victims. The documentary follows journalist Rachel de Leon’s investigation into a nationwide pattern where young women are arrested for making false rape reports, even though police officers can lie during interviews with accusers. This documentary is an essential watch for future police officers and folks working in the criminal justice space. For the panel, we will be joined by Maddi Howard from RESTORE, E Bjorkman from the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and Rebecca Phelps, who is a local survivor advocate and activist.

Date: Monday, April 15
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Location: Brighton Campus, Room 5-100

For questions, please email Michelle Carroll (

Carroll, Michelle
Student Rights and Responsibilities