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Student Tribune

Paleontology Webinar Recording Available!

The paleontology webinar co-sponsored by the the Rochester Committee for Scientific Information and the Chemistry and Geosciences Department, "Mass Extinctions in Earth History", conducted on April 29th, is now available at the following link: FbjZ01tJYq_ds0zNVfR8F96-eaa8gChP8_ULxB37WX8TL8jBxl4OFcGSOB21

Note 1: The actual presentation does not start until minute four of the recording. The first four minutes consist of the hosts preparing for the webinar.

Note 2: Zoom has a really hard time producing accurate transcripts containing geology terms!

Note 3: Moldavite is a glassy, green tektite formed at meteorite impact sites, whereas fulgurite is a glassy mineral formed when lightning strikes sand.

Stay well.


Barone, Jessica
Chemistry and Geosciences