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Did You Know...? CRLA Tutor Training at MCC

MCC's tutoring program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association"s (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC). Since 2021, all tutors at the college have been trained using this gold-standard training program.

The purpose of the ITTPC program is twofold. First, certification provides recognition and positive reinforcement for a tutoring program’s successful work from an international organization, CRLA. Second, the certification requirements set an internationally-accepted standard of skills and training for tutors. ITTPC does not certify tutors nor tutor trainers, but instead certifies tutor training programs that have demonstrated excellence in developing, designing, and implementing strong training procedures, as situated within the context of the tutorial program. Therefore, you can feel confident that sending your students to the TAAC will benefit them greatly.

CRLA's ITTPC has been endorsed by the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA), including the following professional organizations:

  • ACTP: Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession
  • ACTLA: Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
  • NCDE: National Center for Developmental Education
  • NCLCA: National College Learning Center Association (now the International College Learning Center Assoc.)

Other organizations that acknowledge the value of CRLA ITTPC include:

  • ACPA: The American College Personnel Association
  • CAS: Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
  • NOSS: The National Organization for Student Success (formerly the National Association for Developmental Education)

Rambish, Medea
Academic Foundations