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Student Tribune

Jason Anderson Selected as 2023 Dr. Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence

Congratulations to Jason Anderson, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Geosciences, as this year's recipient of the Dr. Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence.  In his fourteen years at the college, Jason has been a staunch advocate of student learning.  Dr. Anderson primarily teaches organic chemistry, perhaps some of the most rigorous courses offered at MCC.  In order to improve student learning, Dr. Anderson moved away from the lecture format of instruction and instead implemented a flipped classroom approach and other active learning based models of instruction.  With two support grants from the National Science Foundation, Dr. Anderson has collaborated with both RIT and University of Rochester Collegues to imrpove student learning, including peer-led team learning models and undergraduate research.  Dr. Anderson consistently seeks high-imapct learning practices to improve student engagement and, thereby, increase learning.  He has created animations on Powerpoints, developed additional online excercises for students to further practice, and adopted an interactive text.  In addition to his commitment to classroom practice, Dr. Anderson serves as the Chemistry Coordinator where he mentors adjunct faculty and supports their teaching effectiveness.

Liberal Arts student, Chiara Giraldo, says this about Jason:

Dr. Anderson fosters an inclusive learning environment working constructively with students when they make mistakes. He provides students the opportunity to solve synthesis problems in front of the class; if mistakes are made, rather than emphasizing what’s incorrect, he explains the results of students’ misunderstandings. By using errors constructively, he helpfully guides students’ creativity in synthesis problems and encouraging multiple approaches to solving problems. Learning in [an] environment accepting of mistakes allows students to participate without the pressure of perfection, making organic chemistry accessible and diminishes the intimidating nature often associated with the course.

Please join the Faculty Senate Professional Development Committee in congratulating Jason Anderson as the 2023 recipient of the Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence!

Salsburg Taylor, Judi
ESOL/TRS and Chair of Faculty Senate Professional Development Committee