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Student Tribune

Wellness Wednesday Week 7: Building Body Positivity

Just as we have been working to encourage folks to get out and get active by building healthy routines around exercise this summer/Fall, we also want to take a moment to encourage an equally important practice: the promotion of body positivity and self-acceptance.

Please take a look at the attached handout, titled 10 Steps to Positive Body Image, for some ideas of ways to encourage a more positive body image.

Additionally, we invite you to consider printing and signing NEDA’s body acceptance pledge below:

I, ______________________, pledge:

  • To shut down any body shamers (even the one in my head!). I promise to stop speaking negatively about my body or others. When I catch myself body bashing, I will do my best to make a correction by saying something positive about myself.
  • To surround myself with people and messages that promote self-care, self-love, and respect for all. I will treat my body with kindness and compassion, and encourage my loved ones to do the same.
  • To think critically about media messages and peer pressure from friends and family. I will curate my social media content to be body positive by following people and posts that are aligned with my values. I will unfollow accounts that negatively affect the way I feel about my body and myself.
  • To remember that everybody has the right to live in a body in which they feel safe, included, valued, and accepted regardless of differences. I will show appreciation for diversity; recognizing that people come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.
  • To remind myself that everyone is so much more than their appearance. I will remind myself that my body size, shape, and weight are not what make me, me. I know that the size of my heart is more important than the size of my waist, and I will not let numbers define my self-worth.

Yours in community and health,

The MCC Couch to 5K Wellness Program Planning Team

Attached Files:

Kennell, Morgan
Counseling Center & Disability Services