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Student Tribune

New Semester- New myMCC Portal!

Welcome to the new semester! We'd also like to welcome you to our new myMCC portal. The new myMCC is a different tool than the Brightspace Learning Management System. While they both were launched at the same time, the portal is about internal communications and information organization, while Brightspace is your digital classroom.

Another change that is coming is that we are going to be redirecting all of our current links to the portal from the old Blackboard based myMCC to the new version. This will occur on 9/7/2022. We have received feedback that this has been confusing. Please understand that we have a detailed plan and that this has been the date on that plan for quite a while. We are also working with Technology Services to include the new portal in all future images of on campus computers.

The new portal has many features to it. But here are two that you mind find useful as a student at MCC.

First up is finding out the status of your financial aid. First go to the new portal ( and then follow this path-

  1. Click on the Financial Plan tile.
  2. Click on Financial Aid.
  3. Click on "Check Your Financial Aid Status"

That's it! Three clicks and you know what the status of your financial aid is!

Next is how to get to your student email from the new portal.

  1. Click on Office 365/Teams
  2. Click on Outlook on the left hand side.

That's it! Two clicks to your email.

We also have weekly trainings. Our trainings come in two basic versions. Student and staff. This week the student training session is on Thursday September 1st at 1pm.  If you can't attend that training, never fear, we'll be offering more next week and throughout the fall. Also we do have staff trainings this week and you're welcome to attend those too. While they are slightly different because they're focused on employees, they do provide a good overview of how the portal works. We're happy to have anyone in our community attend any of our trainings. Also there is no need to register for the training. Please just put it on your calendar and we'll see you there!

We're also available to do trainings for your class, team, club or activity. Please just have a leader/professor of your organization email to setup a custom tailored training.

Trainings for the Week of 8/29/2022 (Zoom link below)

STUDENT focused- 9/1/2022 1pm

Or, attend a staff session for a general overview-

Staff- 8/30/2022 1PM
Staff- 8/31/2022 11am
Staff- 9/1/2022 9am

The Zoom Link for all of these trainings is-

Meeting ID: 848 796 8628
Passcode: 092772

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,8487968628# US
+19292056099,,8487968628# US (New York)

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our trainings. There are a lot of great things happening with the new myMCC, and we want you to be involved. If you want personalized trainings for your division, department, club or team, just contact us at

Take care and have a fantastic semester!

Michael Rehbaum
Coordinator- Title III/MCC APPLIED

Rehbaum, Michael
Academic Services/Title III, MCC Applied