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Student Tribune

Power to be turned off over the Holiday Break

The power to the Brighton Campus will be turned off for 8-12 hours on December 30th while we perform repairs and maintenance to our 34,000 volt power supply. Areas served by our emergency generators will stay powered up, but everything else will lose power. We strongly suggest that you shut off all electronics, refrigerators, and heaters before you leave. Food in refrigerators should be removed as there is no way to know if it will be safe afterwards. Computers and monitors should also be shut off to prevent damage from any unexpected events. Instructions about how to access MCC systems over break were included in Friday's December 20th Daily Tribune.

Second - Please remove all food.

Third - Temperatures in most buildings will be set back during the break period. There will also be limited Facilities Services so the buildings will remain locked. Stay home and enjoy the season.

Grindle, Blaine