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November Is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

We are more than halfway through November. Are you aware that November is Oral Cancer Awareness month? We want to share some tips so you can prevent oral cancer and spot it early if you have it. 

Did you know that a whopping 38,700 men and 15,300 women in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. That’s 54,000 adults nationwide!

How to Spot Oral Cancer:
Oral cancer can be in your mouth on your gums, tongue, the inner lining of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth, under your tongue, or outside your mouth on your lips. Watch for:

  1. A lip sore that doesn’t heal
  2. A white or red patch inside your mouth
  3. Loose teeth
  4. A lump or growth
  5. Mouth pain
  6. Ear pain
  7. Difficulty swallowing
  8. A rough or crusted area

If you experience any of these, please make an appointment with your physician immediately. Catching oral cancer in its early stages could save your life!

How to Prevent Oral Cancer:
Prevention is the key to keeping your body safe and healthy. If you follow these tips and work to prevent oral cancer, you will likely never have to deal with it. 

  1. Don’t use tobacco products: Any tobacco product, including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, and hookah, can cause oral cancer. Steer clear of anything that contains tobacco or tobacco byproducts. 
  2. Drink alcohol only in moderation or not at all: Excessive and chronic alcohol use irritates the cells in your mouth and makes them more susceptible to developing oral cancer. 
  3. Wear sunscreen on your lips: Do you wear sunscreen on your lips? You should if you’re going to have excess sun exposure. Sunburn alters your skin cells and can cause cancer. If you don’t have a lip balm sunscreen, wear a wide-brimmed hat or stay in the shade. 
  4. Keep your gums healthy: Gum disease can cause cancer and most commonly comes from poor oral hygiene habits. Brush and floss your teeth twice per day to keep your gums healthy. 
  5. Visit your dentist twice a year: Schedule and attend your twice-yearly dental visits. They should screen for oral cancer at each appointment and thus are usually the first to spot anything suspicious. 

Is it time for your cleaning and oral exam? Reach out to your dentist and schedule an appointment.Did you know that you can get free cleanings right here at the MCC Dental Clinic? Call (585) 292-2045 to schedule an appointment.

Stay healthy by keeping an eye out for oral cancer. If you know someone who could benefit from these tips, pass this along! The Wellness Council’s mission is to keep you and your loved ones healthy.

Simmons, Kevin
Wellness Council