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Student Tribune

Green Tip: National Energy Efficiency Day - October 5

October 5 is annual nationwide Energy Efficiency Day #EEDay2022.  According to the Energy Efficiency Day site:
•    Energy efficiency could meet 1/3 of our expected electricity generation needs by 2030.
•    Since 1992, ENERGY STAR® and its partners have helped families and businesses save more than $450 billion in energy costs and over 3.5 trillion kWh of electricity, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 3.1 billion metric tons. (EPA)
•    Energy efficiency added more new jobs than any other industry in the entire U.S. energy sector in 2017. (E4 the Future)

How can you participate and save money? 
•    Switch to LED for your primary lighting. Save up to $75 annually by switching five of your most used bulbs with ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs.
•    Turn off unused electronics – unnecessary lights, electronic devices, and appliances.  If you use a power strip, you can turn off multiple items at once.
•    Defeat energy vampires – devices that use energy and power even when turned off! Phantom energy devices such as phone chargers, computer cords, and coffee pots can account for as much as 20% of your monthly electric bill.
•    Use window blinds/shades effectively in winter and summer.  Open curtains during the day to allow sunlight in on west and south-facing windows in the winter (save 2%-12%). Close curtains to help keep your home cooler in the summer.
•    Use your dishwasher effectively – use of a dishwasher over handwashing dishes for 10 minutes can save you 100 gallons of water a week. Avoid the rinse-hold cycle and skip heated drying for more energy savings. 
•    Clean or change furnace filters regularly – dirty filters make the system work harder (and costs you more money).
•    Look for ENERGY STAR® labels when purchasing appliances.
•    Wash full loads of clothing. A washing machine uses roughly the same amount of energy regardless of the load size.  Consider air-drying when possible.
•    Living in a residence hall on campus? – Green your room and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions!

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee’s Recycling Committee