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Student Tribune

Feed Your Need for Some "Fun Reading" at the MCC Libraries

Sometimes, after spending a few quality hours' with a textbook, you might feel as though you need to treat your mind to something a bit more entertaining. After all, calculus doesn't have much of a plot, and you can only retain so much biology before you feel the need for something more imaginative begins to creep into your subconscious.

Well, the MCC Libraries are on it! There are, at both campus libraries, a leisure reading area, featuring new and popular fiction, non-fiction, humor, sci-fi, and cookbooks! It's there that you'll find the latest Stephen King, John Grisham, and Danielle Steel books. The libraries actually lease these books from a company called McNaughton, so we can get the latest bestselling novels on or even before their official release dates!

Better yet, YOU can help shape this collection by letting the libraries know what authors or titles you'd like to see on the leisure reading shelves! At the Brighton Campus, there are suggestion cards for you to fill out near the leisure reading shelves on the main floor. It's that easy!

So, stop in and have a look at what we have to take your mind off of your course materials (at least for a short time, that is!). 

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Squires, Richard