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Student Tribune

Growing up Muslim in America

The Muslim Student Association (MSA) along with the PRISM Multicultural Center presents

GROWING UP MUSLIM IN AMERICA, with Youth Coordinator, Shaheed Ali

Ignorance is rampant and too often it impacts the way we treat others. It's really important that Americans understand information about the American Muslim population. Being armed with these facts is essential for educators to build safe and welcoming schools for all students. When roughly half of Americans do not know a (real) Muslim and 90% of coverage of Islam and Muslims in the US is negative, more work is needed.

So here is what you should know:

  • There are an estimated 3 million Muslims in America,
  • Muslims are the youngest faith community in America, with nearly a quarter between the ages of 18-24 years old,
  • Muslims are also the most ethnically diverse faith community in America -- the only faith group to

    Sadly, according to the FBI, hate crimes targeting Muslims were higher in 2016 than any year on record, including right after 9/11. This hatred towards Muslims finds its way into our schools.

    So what is it like growing up Muslim in today's America? Mr. Shaheed Ali will talk to us about his own private journey and what he has learned along the way. We invite you to join us in a worth-while conversation.

    When: Monday, November 18, 2019

    Where: PRISM Multicultural Center, Building 1- Room 108

    Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Refreshments provided.


Attached Files:
growing up muslim in america_f19.jpg

Batistta-Provost, Shirley
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion