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Student Tribune

Reminder: MCC Offers Optional Grading for Spring 2020 Semester

This week, MCC students will receive an email including a link to their Spring 2020 Semester grades. Now through August 1, 2020, students have the option to choose between receiving a traditional letter grade or receiving a designation of Satisfactory/Pass/Unsatisfactory (S/P/U) for some or all of their grades. Students who prefer to use traditional letter grades for all their classes do not have to respond to the survey.

MCC will permanently keep earned letter grades (A through F); however, students will have the option of requesting that a S/P/U grade be displayed in the transcript, as follows:

  • Substitute an "S" for earned grades A to C indicating a student's progress was Satisfactory for the course requirements
  • Substitute a "P" for earned grades C- to D- indicating a student Passed the course
  • Substitute a "U" for an earned grade of F indicating a student's progress was Unsatisfactory for the course

While both "S" and "P" signify earned course credit and are excluded from GPA calculation, "S" grades are more likely to be eligible for transfer to another institution (pending acceptance by the transfer institution). "U" grades indicate that a student was unsuccessful in the course; no credit would be awarded, and this grade is excluded from GPA calculation.

Students may request that their original letter grades be reinstated at any point until their graduation date. No changes to the grades as posted on the transcript may be requested after graduation.

Questions should be directed to

Wade, Andrea
Academic Services