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Student Tribune

TCC: Tip of the Day - Make time to show gratitude

Today's tip of the day comes from Angela Duckworth, who researches grit and the non-cognitive skills that help students (and people in general) be successful. She assigned "gratitude letters" to her college students where they wrote thank you notes to someone who had been especially influential or supportive. She explains why:

Who benefits from gratitude letters? Research shows that the act of writing one reliably increases happiness. And the recipient likewise experiences a boost in happiness. How much? The writer expected their letter would make the person happy, but it turns out that the person they thanked benefited even more than they anticipated.

The Provost's office has been gathering Greetings of Gratitude over the past month, students and employees are welcome to share their thanks here: http://qe

Merliss, Eugenia
Teaching & Creativity Center