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Student Tribune

MCC to Limit Campus Access to Only Critical Personnel, Cease Face-to-Face Instruction

Given the recent developments in Monroe County related to the COVID-19 outbreak, access to MCC campuses will be limited to all but critical staff starting Wednesday, March 18 at 5 p.m., until further notice.

With no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus, this directive is being put forth as a preventive measure to mitigate the potential spread of the virus.

For the purpose of this directive, essential employees are defined as anyone whose job functions is essential to the effective operation of the College, or who must be physically present to perform their job, or who is involved in the COVID-10 emergency response.

MCC will temporarily cease all face-to-face instruction college-wide and suspend access at its four locations until April 13 (following spring break), including at the Public Safety Training Facility (PSTF).

Starting Monday, March 23, MCC will transition to distance-learning options while providing remote support services to students. A call center (585-292-8310 or has been established for students, employees and others who need assistance, including technology support, tutoring and library resources. (MCC libraries and on-campus learning centers are temporarily closed to students.)

Preventive measures taken at MCC are in step with the directive to temporarily close the PSTF, a regional emergency training facility located at 1190 Scottsville Road in Chili, effective March 16. The building will be accessible only to personnel associated with the Office of Emergency Management. The PSTF is a partnership of Monroe County, City of Rochester and MCC.

Thank you for your flexibility and cooperation at this challenging time. College updates, including a list of canceled events and suspended services, will continue to be available on

Douglas, Katherine
Office of the President