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Student Tribune

Don't Miss Out! House and Office Plant Care program - 3/15 at NOON

Be sure to mark your calendars to hear about house and office plant care from Master Gardener Suzanne Feather on March 15th at NOON.

Research has shown that since people spend 80-90% of their time indoors, the indoor environment is very important for their health. Indoor plants can act as indoor air purifiers, they are an effective way to reduce pollutants indoor to reduce human exposure, and have been widely studied in this regard. Indoor plants have also been shown to have indirect unconscious psychological effect on task performance, health, and levels of stress.

Attend the Sustainablity Steering Committee’s program and learn the best ways to help keep your house and office plants healthy so they can help you in return!

Zoom meeting details in attached file.

Attached Files:
house-plant-care-program Zoom information.pdf

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee