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Student Tribune

MCC Stands in Solidarity Against Racism, Discrimination, and Prejudice.

Dear Students,

Today, as we work towards peace across our nation and in our community, we stand in solidarity with the individuals and communities impacted by racism, discrimination, and prejudice.

As your interim president, I pledge to uphold MCC's values during this difficult time. At MCC, we champion equity, opportunity, innovation, and excellence while transforming students' lives and communities. We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive environment for everyone who works and learns at MCC. Our work as community college educators is an investment in social justice.

The recent violent incidents in our nation and community are not acceptable. MCC stands with our students, employees, their families, and community members who are frightened, angered and in need of change -- change that must be driven by humanity, equality, equity, and focused on the need for healing. Racism and structural inequalities have affected individuals of color on many levels -- economically, socially, physically and psychologically -- and when they are affected, so is our College and community.

MCC is here to provide support during these difficult times. Please seek the medical and mental health assistance you need. If you are a student, please contact MCC's Counseling Center at (585) 292-2140 to schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor. If you are experiencing a crisis, do not leave a message: Call 911 or Lifeline at (585) 275-5151.

Also, take time to check in with your family and friends. These are the times when we need to lean on each other for support and to let others know that they are not alone.

Douglas, Katherine
Office of the President