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Student Tribune

Did you know: We are about to launch our new Portal!

We collected feedback from every part of our community concerning the name for our new portal, and the results we’re overwhelmingly in favor of retaining the name myMCC!

The new myMCC will be live on 6/1/2022. That’s right, that's today!. You can reach the new myMCC via this address,,  be sure to favorite in your tool bar!  Remember that this is more than just a portal, it’s our new web app too.

If you want to be an early adopter, our new app is already in the iOS and Android app stores. Here are the links to the two stores-

Apple/iOS onroe-cc/id1608001009?fbclid=IwAR1a-Bshbhk2_ucnC_2bk1rZJhyFYjWDiVHd8YHm2CF9MlGmv N1LBOvf_VQ


h ttps://

You can also search for the app in your device’s store. Please look at the attached PDF to make sure that you’re getting the new app and not the old one. As a reminder, the old app will stop working on March 31st. If you have the old app installed, you’ll need to manually uninstall it to make it go away.

We have been very fortunate to have a lot of people testing our new portal. Hours of work has gone into transferring the content from the old myMCC, to our new myMCC. Should you find anything that doesn’t work, or has any type of error you can do two things. You can submit a ticket through the traditional help desk system, or you can use the feedback button in myMCC itself. The second attached document shows you how to use this built-in support system.

Training! While we’ve done everything possible to make the new myMCC as user friendly and intuitive as possible, we are also offering training. If you would like training for yourself, your department (staff) or your club or organization, please email Michael Rehbaum at Michael will be happy to do virtual or in person trainings. Additionally, we are training our help desk staff to be able to answer quick questions that you may have. Finally, we will be releasing videos in the coming weeks that will give you just in time support for many of the features of the website. These videos will be expanded as we find areas that people consistently need help with. Please do not be afraid to ask us for help. We’re happy to assist you to make this transition as smooth as possible.

As always, feel free to reach out to anyone on the Title III MCC APPLIED Team. We’re here to support you with a world class portal that makes your educational experience better.

Elizabeth Baxter, Title III/MCC Applied Director
Michael Rehbaum, Title III/MCC Applied Coordinator
Colin Canfield, Title III/MCC Applied IT Specialist

You can also email the entire team at-

Attached Files:
Using myMCC's Feedback System.pdf
2022-05-24 Choosing the Correct App in the two app stores.pdf

Rehbaum, Michael
Academic Services/Title III, MCC Applied