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Student Tribune

Motivational Speaker Mark Potter to Deliver Mental Health Speech on Monday 4/15

In collaboration with the Office of Student Life/Leadership, the Athletics Department welcomes Motivational Speaker Mark Potter to Campus on Monday, April 15th, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM in the MCC Gym. With his keynote speech, "The Silent Epidemic," Potter will talk to MCC students and staff about mental health and depression. Students and staff are welcome to come and listen. Pizza and Pop will be provided after the event. We look forward to seeing you there.

Learn more about Mark Potter and his mission with D2UP.

"Mark and Nanette Potter are a “picture perfect” couple. High school sweethearts, married for over 30 years, two children, and four grandchildren. When Mark began a downward spiral into severe depression, the uncertainties and lack of knowledge on the subject sent the family into a desperate search for help. Mark talks about his darkest depression, and Nanette shares her role as a caregiver and what you can do to get help for someone you love. The two of them together, bring the battle of severe depression full circle. Their message will really drive it home for many people."

Pearce, Dale