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Student Tribune

United as One: A Statement from the SUNY Board of Trustees, Chancellor Malatras, and Others

The following statement was issued by the SUNY Board of Trustees, SUNY Chancellor Malatras, CUNY Chancellor Matos Rodríguez, and CICU Interim President Bogner:

“On behalf of our boards and the entire college community, we are appalled and horrified by the tragic Atlanta area shooting that claimed the lives of eight people, including six women of Asian descent. The disturbing news and images emanating out of Georgia are understandably stirring fear, shock, anguish, and trauma across the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities, including for our students, faculty, and staff. Let us be clear: We condemn this act of racism and hatred, and the nationwide uptick in incidents of hate perpetrated against members of the AAPI community is extremely alarming. For those experiencing feelings of fear, uncertainty, and sadness in the wake of the shooting, we urge you to reach out for help on your campuses. We want you to know that we stand with you, and that an attack on any one group is an attack on us all.

“As Ocean Vuong, a CUNY alum and author of On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous said, ‘All this time I told myself we were born from war—but I was wrong, Ma. We were born from beauty. Let no one mistake us for the fruit of violence—but for that violence, having passed through the fruit, failed to spoil it.’ We shape who we are, as individuals, as a people, as colleges and universities, and as a nation. We must not be shaped by the hatred of others.

“We encourage anyone who requires support to contact their campus counseling services for resources and support.”

Yule, Rosanna
Government and Community Relations