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Student Tribune

New Staff Member in Student Rights - Shelby Gallaro

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities is happy to welcome Shelby Gallaro, Prevention and Education Advisor, to our team!

Shelby is currently a master's degree student at the State University of New York College at Buffalo, where she will graduate in May 2019 with a degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration. While at Buffalo State College, Shelby has been acting as a Resident Director, while interning in Employer Relations and New Student Registration. Previously, Shelby has also interned at SUNY Oswego for their It's on Oz program, which facilitates positive, healthy and respectful discussions surrounding the topics of sexual and interpersonal violence.

In the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Shelby will be assisting with sexual and interpersonal violence programming, including bystander intervention training, dating violence escalation training, and providing training and programming to special populations on campus in these focus areas. Additionally, Shelby will be assisting with the implementation of the student conduct process.

Greer, Amy
Student Rights and Responsibilities